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My brand new scooter (Apollo Air 2022/City 2022/City Pro 2022) doesn't move. What should I do?Updated a year ago

The most likely reason the throttle may not engage the motor of one of our app-enabled scooter models can be because the scooter has kickstart mode enabled in the app settings. What this means is that you need to kick the scooter forward to be able to get the motor going when you push down on the throttle.

To disable this, you can go on the app, then click on the 3 dots on the left side of the Ride button, then click on the setting icon, then scroll down and disable the Kickstart option.

1. Go on the app, then click on the 3 dots on the left side of the Ride button.

2. Click on the setting icon.

3. Scroll down and enable/disable the Kickstart option as you prefer. 

(With kickstart enabled, you will need to push the scooter forward for the throttle to engage)

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